Pros and Cons of Living in Spring TX Living in the great state of Texas means living in various settings. Spring, Texas, is a growing community with a lot to offer. If you’re looking for a place with plenty of space, great schools, and a diverse population, Spring’s got it all. But, if you’re new to the area, don’t let the small-town ambiance fool you. It is home to a thriving culture and offers diverse benefits. From a thriving business scene to a vibrant arts community and a wealth of attractions, Spring has something for everyone. While living in the state of Texas is a great way to experience all that it has to offer, it also means that you’re going to live in a state that has its share of pros and cons. Here are the pros and cons of living in Spring, TX.
Pros of living in Spring TX

1. Affordable housing
Renting an apartment in Spring can be incredibly affordable. With rents averaging $900 per month, there isn’t much room for error when trying to save money on your rent. Compared to other cities, Spring apartments are some of the cheapest around. This means that you won’t have to break the bank each month when paying the rent, but it will also help you save up for big things like furniture or school expenses. A median home costs around $193,000, unlike the average rate of the U.S, costing an average of $ 231,000. This helps to show why renting is so appealing to the average person. The affordability of apartments makes it easy for people who are just starting to build their financial future. Renting an apartment in Spring will get you a huge bang for your buck!

2. Great schools
One of the biggest perks of living in Spring is the plethora of options available in each neighborhood. Schools like Westview Middle School and Northwood High School will provide students with everything they need to succeed. In addition to offering a solid education, these schools often win top honors. These awards come from organizations such as the National Blue Ribbon Awards and the Golden Seal Awards. As far as public schools go, students have nothing to worry about! Parents love the idea of letting their kids explore different avenues without worrying too much. No matter where you choose to attend high school, you’ll benefit immensely from the knowledge of having a wide array of choices.

3. Job Opportunity
Spring is home to many local businesses. Whether you’re interested in working construction, owning a restaurant, or a job within one of the major industries, Spring has many opportunities for those seeking employment. Because of the region’s rich history, you can find many jobs here. For example, companies like Hewlett-Packard and AT&T have a long list of jobs at their disposal. Other businesses include restaurants, auto manufacturers, banks, insurance companies, grocery stores, etc. You never know what kind of work might be waiting for you!

4. Lots of outdoor fun
Spring provides residents with endless opportunities for entertaining outdoors. Residents can enjoy local parks, green spaces, trails, lakes, fishing spots, golf courses, hiking areas, and swimming pools. Since it is located along the border between Houston and The Woodlands, Spring’s proximity to both cities allows them to access various outdoor activities easily. Most families enjoy spending weekends playing sports, taking road trips, and enjoying any vacation that comes with getting away from work and responsibilities.

5. Pleasant outdoor environment
If moving to Spring TX, you may notice right off the bat is its pleasant air conditioning. This part of Texas gets plenty of rainfall and sunshine; therefore, the weather is always comfortable throughout the year. However, there are certain times of the year when residents love being outside more than others. Summers are typically filled with gorgeous days of sunshine and warm temperatures. Winters tend to bring more snowfall than most parts of the country experience. Regardless of which season you prefer, everyone loves being able to spend time outside, especially during the summer months. If you’re looking for a place to enjoy the great outdoors all year round, then look no further than Spring, TX!

6. Proximity to Houston
Although Spring is located near San Antonio, it’s also only approximately 25 minutes drive away from downtown Houston, thanks to I-10. This makes this area an ideal spot for people who want to live in proximity to Houston but don’t necessarily want to move into Southtown. Many employers base decisions on whether or not to offer employment-based around the commute distance to their office. Therefore, if you want to feel connected to your job on a day-to-day basis and aren’t concerned about commuting, this location is perfect for you. The price tag isn’t bad either! Homes in this area normally cost about $180k-$200k, making it possible to buy a house for under $80k. Compare that to median prices in San Antonio, which run over $100k, and you see why so many people call Spring their second home.

7. Warm and friendly community
Residents who decide to move to Spring usually find tons of welcoming neighbors. These people are incredibly friendly towards newcomers, making it easy for new residents to fit in perfectly as soon as they arrive. Furthermore, since the community is small, residents will quickly become good friends with the locals. Spring residents work together to keep the community safe, clean, and nice. They volunteer at local events and festivals to help clean up after these festivities. By helping out other people, residents create a sense of belonging and unity.

8. Low crime rates
When deciding whether or not to move to Spring, you should consider the safety of your children. Luckily, the city holds low crime rates. People break into places occasionally, but nothing violent occurs as often as it does elsewhere. There have been some instances of muggings and thefts here and there, especially in public parking lots. Still, there haven’t been many crimes to speak of. As long as you watch your surroundings whenever you get outside, you’ll be fine!
Cons of living in Spring TX
1. Intense summer heat
If you’re used to living in a warmer climate, you may need to adjust your expectations. Summertime in Spring isn’t exactly what you might expect. The summers here are hot and humid, leading to sweatier skin. Although sweating isn’t unhealthy, it needs to be addressed. Thankfully, humidity doesn’t rise too high compared to regions like Florida and Arizona. You won’t have to worry about drinking way too much water every day. Instead, you can focus on drinking enough to stay hydrated.
2. Competitive real estate market
Because Spring has such a small population, purchasing a house tends to take longer than it would in most areas. This means that buyers tend to wait until they find the right house. When searching for homes, you’ll likely encounter fewer options because of this. Another problem is that sellers will be more reluctant to negotiate offers due to the lack of competition. This means that the best deals are sometimes given to those who pay top dollar instead of those willing to bargain. However, if you can afford a large down payment, you shouldn’t hesitate to push hard for a deal.
3. Urban sprawl
Although Spring has expanded over time, many neighborhoods aren’t situated close to one another. If you prefer to live near schools, parks, shopping centers, and other amenities, you might want to opt for an area closer to home instead of settling in a sprawling neighborhood that feels miles away from everything important. This is especially true if you have kids since school districts don’t usually include several elementary and middle schools within a single zip code.
4. Terrible traffic
While some people enjoy driving long distances each morning or evening to work, others hate every minute spent in traffic. Traffic is especially bad during rush hour, but traffic can be frustrating even while commuting during off-peak times. It takes forever to leave Spring at night because the city lacks public transportation. Luckily, parking spaces should be easy to come across if you own a car. Free parking lots seem to be abundant in Spring.
If you think of moving to Spring, TX, or buying a home, above are the pros and cons of living here. As you read through these points, ask yourself what matters most to you when choosing where to live. These are all valid reasons to consider before making your final decision.